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Dive into the vibrant world of our 808 Clothing sticker collection, where durability meets style. Our stickers are crafted to endure, making them the perfect adornment for your car, truck, laptop, or water bottle. Each sticker is a testament to quality, ensuring a long-lasting and robust addition to your belongings. Elevate your personal style and showcase your love for 808 Clothing with these versatile and resilient stickers that are not just accessories but a statement of enduring fashion. 
  • Special offer: Buy 3 for $10 and mix and match!
  • Variety of designs and colors to choose from
  • Directly shipped from Maui, Hawaii
808 Clothing is a family-owned and operated small business. We sincerely appreciate your support for local enterprises. Mahalo!
    Regular price $3.99 Sold Out
    Regular price $3.99
    Regular price $3.99 Sold Out
    Regular price $3.99
    Regular price $3.99
    Regular price $3.99
    Regular price $3.99